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Major League Quadball

Major League Quadball

Quadball Event Organization

About Major League Quadball

Major League Quadball (MLQ) is a national league that runs from June 1 to August 30. The majority of seasonal activity takes place between June 1 and July 31.

Our aim at MLQ is to present quadball in an elegant, highly-consumable form that mirrors other sports’ top leagues. MLQ features standardized schedules, high-level officiating, in-depth statistics and live and recorded footage of all games. The central tenant of the league, setting it apart from others, is that we have placed a limit on participating teams. This ensures the teams are of a high quality and maximizes the amount of coverage that can be given to each team and each game.

Our league is home to 16 teams from the United States and Canada. These teams are divided up geographically into three divisions (North, South and East), each composed of five teams. Every team plays three games against every other team in its division, for a total of 12 games. All regular-season games will be completed by the first weekend of August. This leaves the remainder of the month for an inter-division postseason in the form of the MLQ Championship, where 12 teams will compete but only one will walk away with the title of Benepe Cup Champion.

Mission statement

Our mission is to pioneer a new realm of sport.

Typical Event Information

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